hot potatoes

美 [hɑːt pəˈteɪtoʊz]英 [hɒt pəˈteɪtəʊz]
  • n.烫手山芋;棘手的问题(或情况等)
  • hot potato的复数
hot potatoeshot potatoes

hot potatoes


  • 1
    N-COUNT 棘手的问题;难以处理的问题;烫手山芋
    If you describe a problem or issue as a hot potato, you mean that it is very difficult and nobody wants to deal with it.

  1. These are two hot potatoes in our class .


  2. Top the steaming hot potatoes with a knob of butter .


  3. This paper introduces a useful English exercises making software Hot Potatoes and how to use it to produce interactive English exercises .


  4. Exploiting sour gas reservoir , it often comes up against some hot potatoes , such as shrewd toxicity of sulfured hydrogen , causticity and sulfur deposition .


  5. Even though ambient air quality has been improved a certain extent in large-medium scale city over the resent years nevertheless along with rapid development of county-leveled towns , fly ash and sulfur dioxide pollution which mainly comes from dispersed coal burning-heating boilers has been a hot potatoes .


  6. The Captain was dining ( in his hat ) off cold loin of mutton , porter , and some smoking hot potatoes , which he had cooked himself , and took out of a little saucepan before the fire as he wanted them .


  7. but I like eat hot sweet potatoes right from the fire with my friends .


  8. This room is hot enough to Bake potatoes .
